IDA in the Research Community

IDA Research Staff participate actively in various professional activities – both within their disciplines and ancillary to them – including publishing in the open literature. Below are some recent citations of IDA Researchers and their work.

Whitley and Shaffer Published in National Defense
John Whitley and IDA consultant Al Shaffer co-authored an article for National Defense on how the DOD might improve the efficiency of its acquisition approach. John and his co-author argue that although the U.S. is accelerating defense innovation as it refocuses on near-peer adversaries, the DOD must streamline its acquisition systems to maintain the technological advantage of the U.S.
Wong Writes Book Review for Science Magazine
Gifford Wong wrote a book review for Science on former U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern’s new release, “Landing the Paris Climate Agreement.” The book is a chronological account of the seven-year negotiation that led to the Paris Agreement. In his review, Gifford notes how the author balances detailed narration with a high-level perspective on diplomatic strategy.
Ross Awarded Climate and Security Fellowship
Katherine Ross joined the 2024-2025 class of the Gordon R. Sullivan Climate and Ecological Security Fellowship at the Center for Climate and Security. During the fellowship, Katherine will learn about how climate can exacerbate geopolitical tensions and how to mitigate those risks. The highly sought Sullivan Fellowship aims to forge the next generation of climate-informed national security practitioners.
Mikulska Spoke at Helsinki Commission Briefing
Anna Mikulska served on a panel of experts to brief the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission) on the future of European energy security. The panelists will address Europe’s progress in reducing dependence on Russian energy and the need to build out current infrastructure. They will also offer policy recommendations for limiting Russia’s ability to weaponize energy and will provide an overview of Ukraine’s energy security needs. The briefing took place October 16 on Capitol Hill.
Parker Published in Notices
Ross Parker co-authored an article for Notices, a journal for professional mathematicians published monthly by the American Mathematical Society. The article introduces a relatively new framework, topological photonics, and explores three fundamental models to highlight why this is an area worth investigating for mathematicians.
Burke’s Work Published as a Newport Paper
The U.S. Naval War College published an extensive study by GDI’s Jerry Burke as part of the college’s Newport Papers series. Jerry’s research examines Russian national security and maritime doctrine, policies and public statements, and ongoing Russian naval programs in the context of the return of the Analogous Response strategy of the 1980s. Newport Papers are book-length research projects that Naval War College leadership considers to be of particular interest to policy makers, scholars and analysts.  
Adams Honored at Mathematics Conference
The Brin Mathematics Research Center at the University of Maryland is holding a mathematics workshop in honor of Jeffrey Adams and his career. The event will take place October 14-17 and will focus on recent developments in representation theory as it relates to Lie groups.
Mikulska Spoke at CSIS Energy Event and Quoted in Article
Anna Mikulska served as a panelist at an event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on the Energy Institute Statistical Review of World Energy 2024. The panel followed a presentation by Energy Institute’s chief executive on the review, which presents data on global energy through the prior year. An Energy In Depth article summarizes the report and quotes Anna’s remarks on developing nations’ use of Russian oil.
Maiya Participated in National Academies Panel
Arun Maiya was selected to participate on the 2024 Panel on Assessment of Network, Cyber and Computational Sciences, hosted by the National Academies. Arun and the other panelists reviewed technical competencies covered by the Army Research Laboratory’s research and development portfolio. The event was held August 6-8 at the Adelphi Laboratory Center.
Kaye Presents at Annual Acquisition Research Symposium
Mark Kaye presented at the Naval Postgraduate School’s 21st Annual Acquisition Research Symposium on May 8. His remarks were based on a paper he coauthored with Susan Rose.
Wong Speaks on Space and Climate at Netherlands Embassy
Gifford Wong served on a panel at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the U.S. Gifford and the other panelists discussed how we might make climate data from space actionable. The panel followed a presentation on observations from NASA’s PACE mission, which uses Dutch instrument SPEXone to measure the influence of aerosols on climate change.
Bhatt Appeared on ABC Documentary Series
Sujeeta Bhatt appeared in three episodes of an upcoming documentary series, “The Interrogation Tapes.” The episodes aired on ABC on April 1, 8 and 29 and were made available on Hulu the next day.
Kulinowski Interviewed on STEM Education at U.S. Embassy Tokyo
U.S. Embassy Tokyo staff interviewed STPI Director Kristen Kulinowski for the video series Tokyo Talks. Kristen discussed topics relating to higher education in STEM and gave advice to Japanese students considering STEM graduate programs in the U.S. The interview was part of the embassy’s Speakers’ Program, an initiative that engages professional and student Japanese audiences on topics of strategic importance to the U.S. and Japan.
Numrich Wins NTSA Lifetime Achievement Award
Sue Numrich earned the National Training & Simulation Association (NTSA) Lifetime Achievement in Modeling and Simulation award for her contributions to the science and technology of modeling and simulations.
Greenwood and Savage Publish Article on Technology and Warfighting
Tom Greenwood and Pat Savage published an article in the Marine Corps Gazette on the relationship between technological innovation and warfighting. In the article, they analyze cases from recent history and argue that new technology alone cannot guarantee victory. Rather, a combination of effective incorporation of that technology, strategic advantage and other human factors are needed to gain the upper hand.