An Evaluation of the National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellows Program

June, 2017
IDA document: D-8528
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents
Division: Science and Technology Division , Science, Systems and Sustainment Division
Stuart A. Wolf, James Belanich, Melissa A. Cummings See more authors
The Department of Defense established the National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellowships (NSSEFF) program in 2008 to support university faculty and scientists to conduct potentially high pay-off basic research. In 2016, the name of the program was formally changed to the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship (VBFF) to commemorate Dr. Vannevar Bush’s role in directing DoD research and pioneering research for the Government. The research funded through NSSEFF led to the development of several innovative discoveries. The report includes a set of recommendations for the program.