The Software Assurance State-of-the-Art Resource (SOAR)

August, 2017
IDA document: D-8462
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents
Division: Information Technology and Systems Division
Wheeler, David A. See more authors
Unintentional and intentionally inserted vulnerabilities in software can provide adversaries with various avenues to reduce system effectiveness, render systems useless, or even use our systems against us. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to determine what types of tools and techniques exist for evaluating software, and where their use is appropriate. The State-of-the-Art Resource for Software Vulnerability Detection, Test, and Evaluation, a.k.a. the “Software SOAR,” was written to enable program managers and their staffs to make effective software assurance and software supply chain risk management (SCRM) decisions, particularly when they are developing and executing their program protection plans (PPP). A secondary purpose is to inform DoD policymakers who are developing software policies. This paper summarizes the Software SOAR, including some of the over 50 types of tools and techniques available, and an overall process for selecting and using appropriate analysis tool/technique types for evaluating software. It also discusses some of the changes made in its latest update.