The main objective of this study is to link the Allied Medical Publication 8(C): NATO Planning Guide for the Estimation of CBRN Casualties (AMedP-8(C)) to the Common User Database (CUD). To fully implement the AMedP-8(C) casualty estimation methodology, the casualty estimate must be integrated into the medical logistical models and tools used by medical planners providing medical support to the chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) battlefield. The CUD provides an authoritative data-set of clinical and medical logistics data used by the Department of Defense (DOD). The casualty estimate must be able to act as an input to the medical logistical tools, and the medical logistical tools (and their underlying models and databases) must be able to effectively use the casualty estimate. By comparing the parameters and outputs of AMedP-8(C) with the parameters and inputs of the CUD, this study attempts to link all possible outputs of AMedP-8(C) to patient condition codes in the CUD and corresponding treatment briefs and it suggests changes or modifications to facilitate the unity of both sources.