The Battle for Fallujah : Al Fajr, the Myth-buster

January, 2009
IDA document: P-4455
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents
Division: Joint Advanced Warfighting Division
Dr. William Knarr; Major Robert Castro, US Marine Corps; Ms. Dianne Fuller See more authors
The study of the "Battle for Fallujah," explored the operational and strategic lessons from Al Fajr with emphasis on: 1) Coalition operational level planning and execution; 2) teaching the Iraqis to plan and execute military operations; 3) coaching the Iraqis on information operations (primarily media operations) and 4) building Iraqi self confidence. The investigation included over 100 interviews to include General Casey; the former Iraqi Prime Minister, Dr. Allawi; members of I-MEF; Iraqi Security Forces and Fallujah residents. As noted by General Casey, "Fallujah is an excellent study in Political-Military interaction." The project shows that those interactions and relationships are just as important at the tactical level. This study provides lessons learned and historical analysis for training and educational purposes at every level, as well as supports further research and analysis. It highlights the linkage between tactical and strategic events and how a seemingly tactical event can have strategic implications.