Sharing Burden and Risk in another Theater: An Operational Assessment of Reserve Component Forces in Afghanistan

January, 2018
IDA document: P-8915
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents , Human Capital
Division: Strategy, Forces and Resources Division
Joseph Adams, Amy Alrich, Rachel Dubin, Lance Hancock, Garrett Heath, Anthony Hermes, Jeffery Jaworski, Vivian McBride-Davis, Neil Mithal, Pete Picucci, Richard Polin, Jenns Robertson, Brandon Shapiro See more authors
In this continuation of research originally performed in support of Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) Paper P-8177, Sharing the Burden and Risk: An Operational Assessment of the Reserve Components in Operation Iraqi Freedom, IDA now analyzed data associated with Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afghanistan. Assessments followed three primary lines of research inquiry: analysis of mission report (MISREP) data from the combined air operations center (CAOC), analysis of Army and Marine Corps significant activity reports (SIGACTs), and interrogation of interviews, both archived and those conducted by IDA, of participants in the campaign and leaders responsible for the various processes required to conduct and sustain OEF. Analyses indicated that RC forces did what they were tasked to do, with no sizeable differences in performance from that of their AC counterparts. These analyses are consistent with the assessments of OIF data, which also considered mobility data. Analyses continue to depict a shared burden and shared risk between AC and RC forces in these two operational campaigns.