RAMF-SM Assesses Risk to Rare Earth Magnet Supply Chain

August, 2021
IDA document: D-10860
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Research Summary/Research Insights
Division: Strategy, Forces and Resources Division
James S. Thomason, Julie C. Kelly, Nicholas S. J. Karvonides, Daniel K. Rosenfield See more authors
This document summarizes an IDA assessment of rare earth permanent magnets (REPMs) done in support of the National Defense Stockpile Program's 2017 Biennial Report to Congress on Stockpiling Requirements. The assessment involved in-depth research into various aspects of REPMs: technology, supply chain, current and predicted supply and demand, and uses in critical defense systems. The result is a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of the macroeconomic, military, and strategic dependence of the United States on the global REPM industry.