Portfolio Review of DOD's Work Experience Programs: Analysis of Program and Participants' Perspectives

June, 2024
IDA document: 3002369
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents , Human Capital
Division: Strategy, Forces and Resources Division
Daniel W. Kolodrubetz, Alexis A. Pang, Christian Dobbins, James Belanich, Allyson M. Buytendyk, Franklin L. Moses See more authors
A critical step in the development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics professionals is the opportunity to gain relevant capabilities through internships, apprenticeships or related experiences called Work Experience Programs (WEPs). This report provides an analysis of the perspective of DOD WEPs through interviews with program managers and mentors as well as the perspective of participants from a survey. While interviews with program representatives and responses from participants indicate positive experiences and outcomes, IDA provided a set of recommendations to help programs address identified challenges.