Outcome Evaluation of SMART Program 2.0

August, 2023
IDA document: 3000298
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents , Human Capital
Division: Science and Technology Division
James Belanich, Sujeeta B. Bhatt, Christian Dobbins, John E. Morrison, Matthew J. Trowbridge See more authors
The Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program was established in 2006 as a scholarship for service program to enhance the Defense Department's workforce in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills and disciplines. This outcome evaluation is a follow-up to one conducted in 2015–2018, and is paired with a process evaluation. The SMART Program is designed to address a broad set of workforce needs, and these outcomes and benefits are distributed across facilities of the three service components and fourth estate agencies.