Meta-Synthesis Framework to Understand Results Across Defense Experiments, Studies, and Wargames

June, 2022
IDA document: P-33123
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents
Division: Joint Advanced Warfighting Division
Yuna H. Wong, Darrin Denny, Akar, S. Bharadvaj, Burgess D. Laird, Carolyn A. Leonard, Neil V. Mithal, Robert B. Polk, Robert A. Stimets, Cameron J Swann, Ana M. Venegas See more authors
This report provides Joint Staff J7 with a meta-synthesis framework to aggregate and understand results across experiments, studies and wargames. It includes an Analyst Notebook that walks an analyst through the steps in the framework and recommendations to the sponsor on its use. The report covers existing frameworks and approaches to confidence in a number of fields and adapts from these to create a framework for J7. There is also a brief review of Joint Experimentation Network (JExNET) and a few recommendations on knowledge management.