Independent Assessment of Missile Defense Agency Processes for Flight Test Planning and Execution

February, 2022
IDA document: P-30853
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents
Division: System Evaluation Division , Science, Systems and Sustainment Division
Joseph T. Buontempo, John S. Hong, Matthew R. Girardi, Jeremy A. Teichman, Robert V. Uy See more authors
IDA examined the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) flight test program and its role in characterizing the system’s specific capabilities and limitations, demonstrating the overall BMDS capability to allies and adversaries, deterring adversaries’ use of ballistic missiles, building warfighter confidence and validating and verifying the BMDS models and simulations. Other aspects of the BMDS test program – such as ground tests, the use of models and simulations, exercises and wargames – were outside the scope of this assessment. IDA’s overarching approach to conducting the study included reviewing relevant documentation and conducting interviews with government officials from the Missile Defense Agency and other relevant Department of Defense stakeholder organizations to hear their perspectives and learn from their experiences. IDA analyzed the information and identified common trends and issues. This report documents IDA’s findings and recommendations.