IDA Research Notes - Welch Award 2017

July, 2018
Type: Research Notes
J. D. Fletcher, James A. Kulik, William R. Simpson, Stanley A. Horowitz, Bruce R. Harmon, Daniel B. Levine, Joshua A. Schwartz, William L. Greer, George F. Ward, Jr., S. K. Numrich, Robert A. Zirkle, James R. Ayers, Forrest R. Smith, Anna Vasilyeva, Bhavya Lal, Daniel L. Pechkis, Nelson S. Pacheco, Tye W. Botting, James S. Thomason, D. Sean Barnett, James P. Bell, Jerome Bracken, and Eleanor L. Schwartz See more authors

The Larry D. Welch Award is named in honor of former IDA president and U.S. Air Force (USAF) Chief of Staff, General Larry D. Welch, USAF (retired). The annual award recognizes IDA researchers who exemplify General Welch’s high standards of analytic excellence through their external publication in peer-reviewed journals or other professional publications, including books and monographs. The articles in this issue of IDA Research Notes are summaries derived from the winner and finalists in the 2017 Larry D. Welch Award competition. In addition, the Welch Award Selection Committee named six other nominated publications as being noteworthy given the quality of research they reflect.