IDA Research Notes - The Welch Award 2015

October, 2016
Type: Research Notes
Jeremy Teichman, Leon Hirsch, Thomas Johnson, Laura Freeman, Janice Hester, Jonathan Bell, David M. Tate, Lawrence N. Goeller, Eliza Johannes, Aaron Taliaferro, Alexander O. Gallo, Wade P. Hinkle, Williamson Murray, Kevin M. Woods, Nathan Platt, Jeffry Urban, Arun S. Maiya, Robert M. Rolfe, Vanessa Peña, Bhavya Lal, Maxwell Micali See more authors

This issue of IDA Research Notes is dedicated to the winner and finalists of IDA’s Larry D. Welch Award for best external publication. Named in honor of IDA former president and U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff, the award recognizes individuals who exemplify General Welch’s high standards of analytic excellence through their external publication in peer-reviewed journals or other professional publications, including books and monographs. The articles in this edition are executive summaries of the original published pieces. We have identified and credited the original publication for each article and, where possible, we have included a link to the full piece.