IDA Insights on Africa, December 2020

December, 2020
IDA document: P-19438
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Africa , Insights
Division: Intelligence Analyses Division , Global Dynamics and Intelligence Division
Stephanie M. Burchard, Dorina A. Bekoe, Linda S. Bishai, Sarah A. Daly, Galen O. Petruso, Erin L. Sindle, Austin C. Swift See more authors
This premier issue of IDA Insights includes articles on lessons from West African countries' experiences with Ebola that could apply to the coronavirus pandemic; Russian activities in the Maghreb region of North Africa; developments in the democratic transformation of Sudan; drivers of violent extremism in Cabo Delgado; highlights of IDA's Africa Symposium 2020; and uses of the IDA-developed tool called Dynamic Risk of Instability Estimation Model (DRIEM).