Geographical Variation in Army National Guard Suicide: Is the Guard Like the General Population?

September, 2018
IDA document: P-9229
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents , Human Capital
Division: Strategy, Forces and Resources Division
James Bishop, Michael Guggisberg, Susan Clark-Sestak, Jacqueline Du Bois, David Graham, Nate Latshaw, Allen Wang See more authors
For the purpose of suicide prevention, Army National Guard (ARNG) members, predominantly living in civilian communities and holding civilian employment, may be similar to members of the general population (GP). Alternatively, ARNG members may be fundamentally different from the GP in one or more ways that warrant an ARNG specific approach to suicide prevention. This publication examines those similarities and differences and a county level. The ARNG must decide how to allocate suicide prevention funds across the states and territories and what guidance to give to the states and territories related to suicide prevention. Each state and territory uses suicide prevention funding and guidance differently; better understanding of the variation in suicide rates would better inform ARNG decision-making on its future suicide prevention policies and programs.