NATO is expected to consider ratification of Allied Medical Publication 8 (C): NATO Planning Guide for the Estimation of CBRN Casualties in 2010. Within AMedP-8(C), the parameters for implementing the human response methodology are presented for only a limited sample of CBRN agents and effects. IDA has reviewed literature relevant to the extension of AMedP-8 to include additional CBRN agents and effects, psychological casualties, and civilian casualty estimation. This document identifies agents, effects, materials, and conditions of interest to DoD (but not currently included in AMedP-8(C)), identified gaps in available knowledge, and estimates the level of work required to incorporate new agent models into AMedP-8. This document may be considered a supplement to the AMedP-8(C) Technical Reference Manual for US purposes. This report is envisioned as the first in a series of annual reports, updated as new lists of agents of concern are identified and as new agents are included in the analysis of required effort for development of the AMedP-8(C) parameters.